Should you purchase a central vacuum unit on Amazon? We have had a lot of service calls in the last few years for repairs on ProLux and OVO central vacuums purchased on Amazon that are broken or just can not keep up with the system and have bad suction. If you are going to purchase a central vacuum system, hose or replacement parts PLEASE contact a local dealer. You are not saving anything buying these units from Amazon. They are made with some inferior parts from China and honestly just big cans with tiny motors. We can get you economy machines with the same specs for the same price if you want terrible suction but I would not recommend it. The Prolux machines are made in China and the ones I saw were not even UL listed so I would NOT trust that they are safe. Go with a MD, Vacumaid or Beam unit if you want something that will last! Support a local dealer and you will get a much better product.